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现在让我们把话题回到本期杂志上。注定只能是悲催的第二名,怎么才能让你比得过之前的那期历史上首次通过杂志封面送一个电脑的杂志呢?显然比不过。我们还是老老实实的继续我们的文章吧。在第40期的封面上我们说过,你可以用 PiZero 来边学习编程边玩 Minecraft 游戏,那在这期杂志中,我们要证明给你看真的可以这样子。

在本期的封面文章 Minecraft Mashups 中(正文见第16页),我们精选了一些最近的创意和试验,其中的一些打破了 Minecraft 虚拟世界和我们的真实世界之间的界限。Make Steve move with a wave of your hand, create amazing music and visual effects, and even have your virtual avatar take control of your electronic devices.

To celebrate the successful arrival of ESA astronaut Tim Peake to the International Space Station, we’ve also got another ten pages of amazing projects and games you can make with the Sense HAT, the same hardware in the Astro Pi flight units Tim will be using over his next six months on the ISS. You can keep up with everything happening in orbit at astro-pi.org.

Russell Barnes