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en:arduino:libraries:ethernetudpparsepacket [2016/12/25 22:15]
en:arduino:libraries:ethernetudpparsepacket [2016/12/25 22:15] (当前版本)
行 1: 行 1:
 +====== parsePacket() ======
 +===== Description =====
 +Checks for the presence of a UDP packet, and reports the size. parsePacket() must be called before reading the buffer with UDP.read().
 +===== Syntax =====
 +UDP.parsePacket(); ​
 +===== Parameters =====
 +===== Returns =====
 +int: the size of a received UDP packet
 +===== Example =====
 +<code cpp>
 +#include <​SPI.h> ​        // needed for Arduino versions later than 0018
 +#include <​Ethernet.h>​
 +#include <​EthernetUdp.h> ​        // UDP library from: bjoern@cs.stanford.edu 12/30/2008
 +// Enter a MAC address and IP address for your controller below.
 +// The IP address will be dependent on your local network:
 +byte mac[] = {  ​
 +  0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED };
 +IPAddress ip(192, 168, 1, 177);
 +unsigned int localPort = 8888;      // local port to listen on
 +// An EthernetUDP instance to let us send and receive packets over UDP
 +EthernetUDP Udp;
 +void setup() {
 +  // start the Ethernet and UDP:
 +  Ethernet.begin(mac,​ip);​
 +  Udp.begin(localPort);​
 +  Serial.begin(9600);​
 +void loop() {
 +  // if there'​s data available, read a packet
 +  int packetSize = Udp.parsePacket();​
 +  if(packetSize)
 +  {
 +    Serial.print("​Received packet of size ");
 +    Serial.println(packetSize);​
 +  }
 +  delay(10);
 +[[en:​arduino:​libraries|Reference Home]]
en/arduino/libraries/ethernetudpparsepacket.txt · 最后更改: 2016/12/25 22:15 (外部编辑)