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arduino:libraries [2016/12/25 22:37]
arduino:libraries [2023/02/02 11:38] (当前版本)
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-====== Arduino 类库 ======+Table of ContentsExcitement About RealtorAll about RealtorNot known Factual Statements About Realtor The Realtor IdeasRealtorIn the age of Zillow, Trulia, as well as Redfin, it's very easy to think that you do not need a Realtor to assist you offer your house.
-程序使用类库提供额外的功能,如与硬件协同工作或操控数据等。在程序中使用类库,可以点击菜单中的“**程序 > 导入库**”进行操作。 
-==== 标准类库 ==== +https://www.newzealandescortspage.com
- +
-  * [[arduino:libraries:​eeprom|EEPROM]] - 对“永久存储器”进行读和写 +
-  * [[arduino:​libraries:​ethernet|Ethernet]] - 用于通过 Arduino 以太网扩展板连接到互联网 +
-  * [[arduino:​libraries:​Firmata|Firmata]] - 与电脑上应用程序通信的标准串行协议。 +
-  * [[arduino:​libraries:​liquidcrystal|LiquidCrystal]] - 控制液晶显示屏(LCD) +
-  * [[arduino:​libraries:​sd|SD]] - 对 SD 卡进行读写操作 +
-  * [[arduino:​libraries:​Servo|Servo]] - 控制伺服电机 +
-  * [[arduino:​libraries:​spi|SPI]] - 与使用的串行外设接口(SPI)总线的设备进行通信 +
-  * [[arduino:​libraries:​softwareserial|SoftwareSerial]] - 使用任何数字引脚进行串行通信 +
-  * [[arduino:​libraries:​Stepper|Stepper]] - 控制步进电机 +
-  * [[arduino:​libraries:​WiFi|WiFi]] - 用于通过 Aduino 的 WiFi 扩展板连接到互联网 +
-  * [[arduino:​libraries:​Wire|Wire]] - 双总线接口(TWI/I2C)通过网络对设备或者传感器发送和接收数据。 +
-  * [[arduino:​libraries:​PWM frequency|PWM Frequency Library]] - 自定义PWM频率 +
-  * [[arduino:​libraries:​zigbee|Zigbee]] - Zigbee无线通信库 +
-  * [[arduino:​libraries:​ethercard|EtherCard]] - EtherCard 一个ENC28J60的驱动库 +
- +
-Matrix 和 Sprite 类库已不包含与标准类库中。 +
- +
-==== USB 类库(适用于 Leonardo、Micro、Due、Esplora) ==== +
- +
-  * [[arduino:​libraries:​MouseKeyboard|键盘]] - 向已连接的电脑发送按键指令。 +
-  * [[arduino:​libraries:​MouseKeyboard|鼠标]] - 控制已连接的电脑中的鼠标光标。 +
- +
-==== 仅适用于 Due 的类库 ==== +
- +
-  * [[arduino:​libraries:​Audio|音频]] - 播放 SD 卡中的音频文件。 +
-  * [[arduino:​libraries:​Scheduler|Scheduler]] - Manage multiple non-blocking tasks. +
-  * [[arduino:​libraries:​USBHost|USB 主控]] - 通过 USB 与鼠标和键盘等外设进行通讯。 +
- +
-==== 仅适用于 Esplora 的类库 ==== +
- +
-  * [[arduino:​libraries:​Esplora|Esplora]] - 该类库允许您方便的访问安装在 Esplora 上面的传感器和扩展板。 +
- +
-==== 第三方类库 ==== +
- +
-如果您想使用这些类库,您需要先进行安装。查看[[http:​//arduino.cc/​en/​Guide/​Libraries|该介绍]]获得更多信息。这还有一篇[[arduino:​hacking:​librarytutorial|自行编写类库的教程]]供您参考。 +
- +
-**通讯(网络和协议):** +
- +
-  * Messenger - for processing text-based messages from the computer +
-  * NewSoftSerial - an improved version of the SoftwareSerial library +
-  * OneWire - control devices (from Dallas Semiconductor) that use the One Wire protocol. +
-  * PS2Keyboard - read characters from a PS2 keyboard. +
-  * Simple Message System - send messages between Arduino and the computer +
-  * SSerial2Mobile - send text messages or emails using a cell phone (via AT commands over software serial) +
-  * Webduino - extensible web server library (for use with the Arduino Ethernet Shield) +
-  * X10 - Sending X10 signals over AC power lines +
-  * XBee - for communicating with XBees in API mode +
-  * SerialControl - Remote control other Arduinos over a serial connection  +
-  * [[arduino:​libraries:​IRremote|IRremote]] - A Multi-Protocol Infrared Remote Library for the Arduino +
- +
-**传感器:** +
- +
-  * Capacitive Sensing - turn two or more pins into capacitive sensors +
-  * Debounce - for reading noisy digital inputs (e.g. from buttons)  +
-  * [[arduino:​libraries:​DS3231|DS3231]] - 一个时钟芯片 +
-  * [[arduino:​libraries:​AT24C32|AT24C32]] - IIC接口的EEPROM +
- +
-**液晶显示器和显示设备:** +
- +
-  * GFX - base class with standard graphics routines (by Adafruit Industries) +
-  * GLCD - graphics routines for LCD based on the KS0108 or equivalent chipset. +
-  * Improved LCD library fixes LCD initialization bugs in official Arduino LCD library +
-  * LedControl - for controlling LED matrices or seven-segment displays with a MAX7221 or MAX7219. +
-  * LedControl - an alternative to the Matrix library for driving multiple LEDs with Maxim chips. +
-  * LedDisplay - control of a HCMS-29xx scrolling LED display. +
-  * Matrix - Basic LED Matrix display manipulation library +
-  * PCD8544 - for the LCD controller on Nokia 55100-like displays (by Adafruit Industries) +
-  * Sprite - Basic image sprite manipulation library for use in animations with an LED matrix +
-  * ST7735 - for the LCD controller on a 1.8", 128x160 TFT screen (by Adafruit Industries)  +
- +
-**音频和声波:** +
- +
-  * FFT - frequency analysis of audio or other analog signals +
-  * Tone - generate audio frequency square waves in the background on any microcontroller pin  +
- +
-**电机和脉宽调制:** +
- +
-  * TLC5940 - 16 channel 12 bit PWM controller.  +
-  * [[arduino:​libraries:​BOXZ|BOXZ]] - 互动机器人控制通用库。 +
- +
-**计时器:** +
- +
-  * DateTime - 用于追踪当前日期和时间的库,​无需外部硬件 +
-  * Metro - 帮助你以规定的时间间隔执行动作 +
-  * MsTimer2 - 使用timer 2中断来每N毫秒触发一个动作 +
-  * [[arduino:​libraries:​Timer|Timer]] - 利用millis()函数来模拟多线程 +
- +
-**实用工具:** +
- +
-  * PString - a lightweight class for printing to buffers +
-  * Streaming - a method to simplify print statements  +
- +
arduino/libraries.1482676628.txt.gz · 最后更改: 2016/12/25 22:37 由 Spoony