hardware/tools/avr/avr/include/avr/pgmspace.h | |
pgm_read_byte() | 一个宏,用于读取存储在指定地址的一个byte数据(PROGMEM 区域)。 |
pgm_read_byte_near() | 一个宏,用于读取存储在指定地址的一个byte数据(PROGMEM 区域)。 |
__LPM() | 一个宏,用于读取在指定地址存储的一个byte数据(PROGMEM 区域)。 |
__LPM_enhanced__() | 一个汇编代码,用于读取存储在指定地址的一个byte数据(PROGMEM 区域)。 |
pgm_read_word() | 一个宏,用于读取存储在指定地址的一个word数据(PROGMEM 区域)。 |
pgm_read_word_near() | 一个宏,用于读取存储在指定地址的一个word数据(PROGMEM 区域)。 |
__LPM_word() | 一个宏,用于读取存储在指定地址的一个word数据(PROGMEM 区域)。 |
__LPM_word_enhanced__() | 一个汇编代码,用于读取存储在指定地址的一个word数据(PROGMEM 区域)。 |
hardware/tools/avr/avr/include/avr/common.h | |
SREG | ATmega328P的状态寄存器。 |
hardware/tools/avr/avr/include/avr/sfr_defs.h | |
_BV() | A macro that shifts 1 to left by the specified numnber. |
_SFR_ADDR() | A macro that returns the address of the argument. |
_SFR_MEM_ADDR() | A macro that returns the address of the argument. |
_SFR_BYTE() | A macro that returns a byte of data of the specified address. |
_SFR_WORD() | A macro that returns two bytes of data of the specified address. |
_SFR_IO8() | A macro that returns a byte of data at an address of io_addr + __SFR_OFFSET. |
_SFR_MEM8() | A macro that returns a byte of data of the specified address. |
_SFR_MEM16() | A macro to return two bytes of data of the specified address. |
_MMIO_BYTE() | A macro that returns a byte of data at the specified address |
_MMIO_WORD() | A macro that returns two bytes of data at the specified address. |
bit_is_set() | A macro that checks if the second argumen-th bit of the first argument is 1. |
_VECTOR() | A macro to convert an interrupt vector number to a real address. |
hardware/tools/avr/avr/include/avr/iom328p.h | |
DDRx | Registers which determine if the digital pin is output mode or input mode. |
PORTxn | Registers for bi-directional I/O. |
ADMUX | A register that controls the reference voltage, the presentation of the ADC conversion(left adjust or right adjust) and analog channel selection. |
ADCSRA | A register to control AD conversion. |
ADCL/ADCH | Registers which store the result of AD conversion. |
TCCRnx | Registers to control timers and counters. |
OCRnx | Registers are registers to set the duty ratio for PWM output. |
TIMSKn | Registers related to timer interruption. |
Interrupt Vectors | Definitions of the interrupt vectors. |
TCNTn | Registers incremented by each timer clock. |
TIFRn | Registers to control timer interruption. |
EICRA | A registers to control external interrupt. |
EIMSK | A registers to control external interrupt. |
USART0 | USART0(Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous serial Receiver and Transmitter) related registers. |
hardware/tools/avr/avr/include/avr/interrupt.h | |
cli() | A macro that executes an assembler instruction to disable interrupts. |
sei() | A macro that executes an assembler instruction to enable interrupts. |
ISR() | A macro to define a function to register to interrupt vectors. |
SIGNAL() | A macro to define a function to register to interrupt vectors. |