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Arduino 的扩展及开发


  • 编写类库: 创建类库来扩展 Arduino 的功能。教您一步一步从头开始编写类库。
  • 配置文件: Arduino 的配置文件含有大量编译及下载的自定义选项。
  • 构建过程: 逐步讲解了您的程序是如何被下载到 Arduino 主板上的。
  • 引导程序(Bootloader): 引导程序是 Arduino 主板上的一小段能下载其它程序到板上运行的程序。Arduino 主板上已经自带了该程序。其它关于引导程序的操作可参考该链接引导 Arduino Mini
  • 编程器: 如何在硬件编程器中使用 Arduino 软件(无需引导程序也节省了程序空间)。
  • 升级8U2固件:在 Uno 或 Mega2560 上升级 Atmega8U2 的固件。这块芯片作为 USB 到串口的转换器其固件可以通过 USB 升级。
  • 升级 WiFi 扩展板固件:The ATmega32UC3A1256 take care of implement the TCP/IP stack and talk with the HDG104 WiFi module. Upgrading the firmware could improve or change the behavior of the shield.
  • 为 Due 升级 16U2 固件:The Atmega16U2 on the Arduino Due acts as USB-to-Serial converter on the Programming port. When a new release comes out, you will need to upgrade it.
  • 源代码:在线浏览 Arduino 源代码(外部链接
  • 漏洞: 现有 Arduino 软件的漏洞及有待改进之处(外部链接)。建议及漏洞会发布在这里。更多关于漏洞的详细讨论会发布到论坛里。包括硬件软件两部分。


  • 引脚分布图 (ATmega8, ATmega168): a diagram showing the correspondence between the pins on an Arduino board and those of the ATmega8 or ATmega168 microcontroller.
  • Arduino NG板的自动复位: 教你如何修改你的arduino NG板子让它可以不再需要手动的复位来下载程序。
  • 并口编程器:教你如何制作一块便宜简单的并口编程器,以此来给你的Arduino板子烧录bootloader,或是给一块没有bootloader的板子烧录程序(此方法仅适用于电脑的并行接口)。
  • 面包板电路: 教你在面包板上搭建出一块Arduino的控制板。
  • Arduino is designed to be easily extensible, being based on standard and powerful components. This section of the site includes information on how Arduino works and ways you can extend it.
  • The Arduino hardware is based on Atmel's AVR microcontrollers, in particular the ATmega8, the ATmega168, the ATmega328, and the ATmega1280. Arduino sketches are C/C++ based and compiled with the open-source compiler avr-gcc and linked against the open-source AVR Libc. The Arduino language comes from Wiring. The Arduino environment is based on Processing and includes modifications made by Wiring.
  • Other tutorials for extending Arduino include:
  • Arduino on a breadboard: construct your own USB Arduino using individual components on a breadboard (from the ITP physical computing tutorials). See also the serial version.
  • DIY breadboard shield: make your own breadboard shield to snap onto an Arduino board.
  • DIY Arduino shields: instructions for designing and etching your own Arduino shield.
  • Other resources:
  • AVR fuse calculator: useful for figuring out which fuse settings to use for custom circuits.
  • Minty Boost process: no microcontroller, but a great explanation on how to put together a kit, from idea to product.
arduino/hacking.txt · 最后更改: 2016/12/25 22:15 (外部编辑)